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TCP Dump

Open the TCP Dump dialog to record the network traffic for subsequent analysis. Note that you do not need any other tools, such as a hub or external network analysis tools. You can start the recording by clicking on Start/Stop. The camera will record the network traffic for the specified period of time or until you click again on Start/Stop.

General Options

Network Interface You can use the following network interfaces:
  • eth0: Ethernet Interface
  • ppp0: UMTS/3G or modem connection
  • tun0: VPN connection
Protocol This dropdown field allow recording all or only specific packet types. In order to keep the amount of collected data as low as possible, it is recommended to record a specific protocol.
  • TCP: Only record TCP packets
  • UDP: Only record UDP packets
  • All protocols: Record all network packets
Capture Duration Set the duration of the recording. The camera starts recording as soon as you click on Start/Stop. Once the camera has stopped the recording, the browser offers to store the file. You can now import the file into commonly used network analysis tools (e.g. Wireshark).
Ignore IP Address It is highly recommended to enter the IP address of the computer used to open the TCP Dump dialog (this address has already been entered in the field). This prevents capturing the network traffic that is generated by the subsequent download.

In order to record the network traffic between computer 1 and the camera, you should start the TCP Dump dialog from a different computer (computer 2). This will ensure that the camera only record the network traffic between computer 1 and the camera itself.

Network Capture The color of the LED shows the status of the network capture:
  • Status is updating (this may take up to two seconds).
  • Ready to capture network traffic.
  • Capture of network traffic is running.

Click on Start/Stop to start a new network capture or to stop a running capture before the capture duration has been reached.

Once the camera has stopped the recording, the browser offers to store the file. You can now import the file into commonly used network analysis tools (e.g. Wireshark).

Konfiguration sichern

Klicken Sie auf Setzen, um die Einstellungen zu aktivieren und bis zum nächsten Neustart der Kamera zu sichern.

Klicken Sie auf Voreinstellung, um diesen Dialog auf die werkseitigen Voreinstellungen zurückzusetzen (dieser Button wird nicht in allen Dialogen angezeigt).

Klicken Sie auf Zurückholen, um alle Änderungen seit dem letzten permanenten Speichern der Konfiguration zu verwerfen.

Beenden Sie den Dialog durch Klick auf Schließen. Hierbei wird geprüft, ob Änderungen der Gesamtkonfiguration vorliegen. Ist dies der Fall, werden Sie gefragt, ob die Gesamtkonfiguration dauerhaft gesichert werden soll.

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