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System Messages

Open the System Messages dialog to view information on the services running on the camera. For every service, up to 10 success and 10 error messages are displayed.


Structure of System Messages

Column Description
Time The system message's date and time
Service Displays the service that has issued the system message:
BOOT Activity from the camera's boot processes
CONCIERGE Activity from a video door station
CONFIG Activity from the ConfigService
DOT1X Activity from IEEE 802.1X
DYNDNS Activity from dynamic DNS
EMAIL Activity from E-Mail messages
EVENT Activity from event detection and control
FTP Activity from FTP transmissions
IPMSG Activity from sending/receiving network messages (IP Notify)
IMG-LNK Activity from single image requests
ISDNOUT Activity from ISDN data dial-out processes
MXBUS Activity of the MxBus interface
MXM Activity of the hardware manager of the camera (USB storage devices, Signal I/O, CamIO)
STATUS Activities from the camera's status process
STORAGE Activity from image storing on a file server
STREAM Activity from transferring images to other computers for viewing
VOIP Activity from VoIP connections
ID Internal process name and - if available - process number of the service
Message Color-coded message text of the service:
Black Status messages
Green Success messages
Orange Warnings
Red Error Messages
Pink Critical error messages

Managing System Messages

You can view the system messages as an unformatted file. The structure corresponds to structure described above. The first column refers to the message type, which is abbreviated as follows:

S Status messages
I Success messages
W Warnings
E Error Messages
C Critical error messages

In addition, you can download the displayed system messages to your computer and delete old messages.

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